Remediation and brownfield conference

We will focus on the inherent opportunities in brownfield investments, the presentation of the new Remediation Handbook, and the situation of the remediation industry. Encouraged by the success of the 2019 International Conference (RE-Brown) organized by the KSZGYSZ Remediation and Damage Control Working Group,  the conference will review the challenges of the industry and what has happened since then.



Increasingly, both national and global ecological footprints are provided by the inbuilding and inclusion of green spaces. In the future it will be crucial that real estate developments and different land uses, be it residential buildings, office buildings or a new cultural district, do not take away any new green areas from urban citizens, and that the existing brownfield capacities are used up to maximum in the future. Instead of greenfield developments, brownfield developments are needed, at the selection of these sites, priority should be given to existing industrial parks and abandoned industrial areas.

The aim is to avoid urban sprawl, to create a sustainable and compact urban structure in order to make efficient and sustainable use of existing resources, such as rust areas, brownfields, landscape wounds, differentiated recycling, rehabilitation, management of existing but unused rural processing capacities, sustainable land management, settlement management, elimination of environmental hazards. When determining the new land use, the pollution status and cleanability of the area must be taken into account, and the planned utilization may affect the time and cost requirements of remediation works …

The official language of the conference is English. Translation and interpreting services will not be available. 

Our 2019 RE-Brown conference publication can be read here

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