
Side events:


Save Our Rivers! Workshop and roundtable discussion

International round table and workshop on marine and river waste

Approximately 12 million tons of waste is released into our living waters every year, 80% of which enters the seas and oceans through rivers. Studies, innovations, startups are born all over the world to solve the problem we are part of. We would like to meet the initiatives working in parallel with us to move together to a more efficient, higher level by sharing knowledge.

Our topics are pollution prevention, collection and processing of pollution data, how to build a professional network system for common solutions, the most effective cleaning actions, the limitations and opportunities of recycling, fundraising and shaping attitude.

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 Our speakers: 

  • Bernard Merkx, Green Wave Plastic,
  • ISWA Marine Litter Task Force (tbc),
  • Global Water Partnership (tbc),
  • Ocean Cleanup (tbc),
  • Clear Rivers Foundation (tbc),
  • Marco Bonfante, VisPO Project,
  • Attila Molnár, Plastic Cup.

Participants: river, sea and ocean cleaning organizations, water and waste management professionals, manufacturers, users, interested parties.

Sponsor: International Investment Bank

Green Mobility and Lean & Green Conference

Transport as a human activity responsible for one third of CO2 emissions, is an increasingly important focus of the fight against climate change. Green mobility, smart city, green logistics, e-mobility, public transport, car sharing… What are the international trends, what are the targets, and what to expect in the Carpathian Basin?


Partners: Ministry of Innovation and Technology, IFKA, Trenecon Ltd., MÁV Hungarian Railways, Mercarius Fleet Manager, Budapest Capital, Neumann János Cluster, MOL Limo.

International GREEN BRANDS Festival (by GREEN BRANDS Hungary)

Organized by GREEN BRANDS  Hungary, a meeting of international green brands will be held as a side event of ÖKOINDUSTRIA2020. The first festival of the green brands with trademark and companies interested in environmentally conscious operation will be held with the aim of building bridges between the current and future key players of ecological sustainability in Central and Eastern Europe and creating a biennial professional platform in the region that initially focuses on two major topics: Green Cities and Corporate Best Practices within 4 major sections, that as of now are great burden to the environment - but upon successful nudging, these areas can be pioneers of positive environmental change: Commerce, Infrastructure & Energy, Tourism & Mobility and  Finance.

Details coming soon on the website!

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B2B meetings: Join the scheduled B2B meetings organised for exhibitors and trade visitors and get the most out of it to find new potential business partners.

Partners: EEN (European Enterprise Network, HEPA (Hungarian Export Promotion Agency)

Start-up market and competition: Showcase and competition of Hungarian entrepreneurs, students, eco-innovators.

Partners: Pannon Pro Innovations, universities, companies

ÖKOINDUSTRIA Award will be granted in the category of the most advanced innovative technology product or service of the exhibition.

Thematic site visits: We will be organising guided tours to innovative sites and technologies

Visegrad Group Cluster meeting-Meeting of environmental clusters from V4 countries.

ECO-Café: a green social hub, lounge for inspiring discussions and presentations, start-up pitches during the expo.



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Please send e-mail(link)or call us on +36 20 383-6242, so that we can agree on your customized offer.