Waste Project closing conference

Waste Project closing conference

29 April 9:00 - 13:00

English and Hungarian with interpretation

Illegal residential waste incineration severely impairs air quality and endangers public health, but our knowledge of the phenomenon is also extremely limited at an international level. The conference will present the results of an international project of the University of Pannonia, which examined the amount, type, health effects and contribution of urban air pollutants in Romania and Hungary during the incineration of various types of household solid waste in domestic combustion plants.  

9.00 – 11.00 Session 1 (presentations)
Moderator: András Gelencsér – principal investigator (University of Pannonia, HU)
9.00 – 9.05   Welcome Mr. Guido de Wild (European Commission DG Environment)
9.05 – 9.20 Gelencser Andras Overview on the international project on the effects of residential solid waste burning on ambient air quality in Central and Eastern Europe

András Gelencsér – principal investigator (University of Pannonia, HU)

9.20 – 9.40  Gelencser Andras Emission factors for PM10 and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from illegal burning of different types of municipal waste in households András Gelencsér – principal investigator (University of Pannonia, HU)
9.40 – 10.00  Hoffer Andras Assessment of the contribution of residential waste burning to ambient PM10 levels in selected Hungarian and Romanian settlements

András Hoffer – senior research fellow (MTA-PE Air Chemistry Research Group, HU)

10.00 – 10.20  Peter Viaene How can modelling help you in managing air quality?

Peter Viaene – researcher (Flemish Institute for Technological Research, BE)

10.20 – 10.40  Lukacs Andras Activities of civil society organisations to eliminate residential waste burning

András Lukács – president of CAAG (Clean Air Action Group, HU)

10.40 – 11.00   Questions  
11.00 – 11.30   Break  
11.30 – 13.00  Session 2 (round table)
Moderator: Judit Szegő – Clean Air Action Group
in Hungarian


Discussion with the involvement of the authority, NGOs and the science

  • Zsolt Molnár  - Fővárosi Önkormányzat, chief environmental adviser
  • András Lukács  - Levegő Munkacsoport, chairman
  • András Gelencsér  - Pannon Egyetem, senior researcher